Celebrate love in its fullest bloom with this luxurious bouquet. Featuring enchanting Roselilies, known for their lush petals, delicate fragrance, and long vase life symbolizing...
Celebrate love in its fullest bloom with this luxurious bouquet. Featuring enchanting Roselilies, known for their lush petals, delicate fragrance, and long vase life symbolizing admiration and devotion. Paired with classy Rosita Vandella roses, celebrated for their deep pink hue and affection-filled charm, and classic roses, the ultimate emblem of love. "You Complete Me" is a heartfelt expression of timeless romance and commitment.
3 Roselilies, 5 Rosita Vandella Roses, 15 Roses, with eustomas, baby’s breath and eucalyptus cinerea
w 50cm h 80cm
Styling props featured are not included. Actual color tone of flowers may differ slightly from image.
Delivery Date
Time Slot
07:00 pm - 11:00 pm
- 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
- 07:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Choose Add-ons (optional)
Ferrero Rocher 200g
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
Hamlet Chocolate Gold Box with Bow 125g
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
Godiva Gold Hearts Chocolate Gift Box 6pcs
+ $48.90
Incl. Tax -
The Belgian Heart 65g
+ $10.90
Incl. Tax -
The Belgian Tiramisu Pralines 200g
+ $21.90
Incl. Tax -
White Biscuit Bunny Plush
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
Giant Brown Bear with Tweed Bow
+ $69.90
Incl. Tax -
White Bear with Red Daisy Plush
+ $19.90
Incl. Tax -
Pink Bunny Cushion Plush
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
[No Box] Moet & Chandon Imperial Brut...
+ $44.90
Incl. Tax -
Moet & Chandon Rose Imperial 750ml
+ $141.90
Incl. Tax -
Moet & Chandon Imperial Brut Champagne 750ml
+ $130.90
Incl. Tax -
[No Box] Moet & Chandon Rose Imperial...
+ $54.90
Incl. Tax -
Brown Biscuit Bunny Plush
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
Yellow Bear Cushion Plush
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax
Ferrero Rocher 200g
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
Hamlet Chocolate Gold Box with Bow 125g
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
Godiva Gold Hearts Chocolate Gift Box 6pcs
+ $48.90
Incl. Tax -
The Belgian Heart 65g
+ $10.90
Incl. Tax -
The Belgian Tiramisu Pralines 200g
+ $21.90
Incl. Tax -
White Biscuit Bunny Plush
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
Giant Brown Bear with Tweed Bow
+ $69.90
Incl. Tax -
White Bear with Red Daisy Plush
+ $19.90
Incl. Tax -
Pink Bunny Cushion Plush
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
[No Box] Moet & Chandon Imperial Brut...
+ $44.90
Incl. Tax -
Moet & Chandon Rose Imperial 750ml
+ $141.90
Incl. Tax -
Moet & Chandon Imperial Brut Champagne 750ml
+ $130.90
Incl. Tax -
[No Box] Moet & Chandon Rose Imperial...
+ $54.90
Incl. Tax -
Brown Biscuit Bunny Plush
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax -
Yellow Bear Cushion Plush
+ $16.90
Incl. Tax
Greeting card
Delivery info
Delivery info
Normal Delivery Fee: $9.00 before GST for every 2 items; within Singapore (excluding Sentosa, remote and restricted areas). Delivery Fee may increase during peak and seasonal periods. Self-Collection: Available at Far East Flora Centre, Level 2, 435 Clementi Road Singapore 599873. Daily operating hours : 8am - 7pm.
Substitution info
Substitution info
Please note that styling props featured are not included, and the actual color tones of flowers may differ slightly from the image. Certain fruits, food, or baskets featured may also be substituted with items of equal or higher value due to seasonal or stock availability, without prior notice. If any flower, container, packaging material, or hamper item is unavailable, it will be replaced with a similar item of equal or higher value to ensure the overall aesthetics are maintained. This substitution will be made without prior notice to ensure your order arrives on time.
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Number 1 Online Florist In Singapore
At, we strongly believe that our flowers, gifts, and hampers add a touch of finesse to any occasion or celebration. So whether its birthday flowers or birthday cakes, congratulatory flowers, a baby hamper to welcome new-born, customized corporate gifting, or wedding flowers, we have them all. Be spoiled for choice with our wide range of over 1,000 flowers and hamper options available on our website. And if you can‘t find something you fancy, our friendly customer service team is just a call or email away to assist you with customization. Setting our sights on new ventures, we have expanded our product offerings to include a floristry school CreativeWorkz Floristry Academy and Singapore's best weekly fresh flower subscription box service
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